In-Line Coaxial Adapters

In-Line Coaxial Adapters

Practicle Applications of In-Line Coaxial Adapters

Couple Mismatched Interfaces
Connect Incompatible Cable Runs
Protect expensive equipment interfaces

Features of In-Line Coaxial Adaptors

For Telecom, Video & other 75Ω appsTeflon Insulators
BNC, 1.6/5.6, BT43, 1.0/2.3 or SMBAll Parts Precision Machined
Both Genders and a variety of Mounting1.25µm (50µ”) Gold Plating on Pins
Suitable for use up to 1.5GHzGold Body Parts Plated to > 0.80µm (30µ”)
Reflection coefficient < 0.01 at 1 GHz> 500 Coax Insertion Cycles
Designed for High Reliability and Long LifeOver 100 Types Available

AC&E’s In-Line Coaxial Adaptors provide an instant solution to connect incompatible coaxial interfaces. They provide a high quality mechanical interface with excellent transmission characteristics giving a dependable solution. Ideal for converting equipment interfaces to a more convenient standard or connecting incompatible cable runs.

In-line coaxial adaptors are also chosen for panel based through adaptors in structured coaxial cable environments. Our product range includes the option to convert connector standard as well as gender providing ideal compatibility or polarised connections. The small size and rugged mechanical performance also makes them ideal for protecting interfaces on expensive instruments from daily wear and tear. With more than 100 different types held in stock, AC&E’s coaxial adaptors provide a short lead time solution. Worldwide shipping is available with delivery to most destinations in a few days.

In-Line Coaxial Adaptors Product Matrix

Order Codes
BNC(m) BNC(f) 1.6/5.6(f) 1.6/5.6(m) BT43(m) BT43(f) 1.0/2.3(f) 1.0/2.3(m) SMB(m) SMB(f)
BNC(m) A01AA01 A01AA04 A01AB10 A01AB11 A01AB25 A01AB21 A01AB30 A01AB31 A01AB41 A01AB40
BNC(f) A01AA04 A04AA04 A04AB10 A04AB11 A04AB25 A04AB21 A04AB30 A04AB31 A04AB41 A04AB40
BNC(f) B’head A00AA01 A00AA04 A00AB10 A00AB11 A00AB25 A00AB21 A00AB30 A00AB31 A00AB41 A00AB40
BNC(f) Panel A01AA05 A04AA05 A05AB10 A05AB11 A05AB25 A05AB21 A05AB30 A05AB31 A05AB41 A05AB40
1.6/5.6(f) A01AB10 A04AB10 A10BB10 A10BB11 A10BB25 A10BB21 A10BB30 A10BB31 A10BB41 A10BB40
1.6/5.6(m) A01AB11 A04AB11 A10BB11 A11BB11 A11BB25 A11BB21 A11BB30 A11BB31 A11BB41 A11BB40
BT43(m) A01AB25 A04AB25 A10BB25 A11BB25 A25BB25 A21BB25 A25BB30 A25BB31 A25BB41 A25BB40
BT43(m) B’head A01AB23 A04AB23 A10BB23 A11BB23 A23BB25 A21BB23 A23BB30 A23BB31 A23BB41 A23BB40
BT43(f) HDC A01AB21 A04AB21 A10BB21 A11BB21 A21BB25 A21BB21 A21BB30 A21BB31 A21BB41 A21BB40
1.0/2.3(f) A01AB30 A04AB30 A10BB30 A11BB30 A25BB30 A21BB30 A30BB30 A30BB31 A30BB41 A30BB40
1.0/2.3(m) A01AB31 A04AB31 A10BB31 A11BB31 A25BB31 A21BB31 A30BB31 A31BB31 A31BB41 A31BB40
SMB(m) A01AB41 A04AB41 A10BB41 A11BB41 A25BB41 A21BB41 A30BB41 A31BB41 A41BB41 A40BB41
SMB(f) A01AB40 A04AB40 A25BB40 A11BB40 A25BB40 A21BB40 A30BB40 A31BB40 A40BB41 A40BB40